Welcome to the world of cold coffee drinks! Cold coffee is a delicious option for those looking for a way to enjoy coffee on hot summer days or simply a way to change up your hot coffee drinking routine.
From classics like iced coffee to more innovative ones like nitro coffee and cold lattes, there is something for everyone’s taste. This article will explore the different cold coffee drink options, their ingredients, and how to prepare them at home. Read on to discover your new favorite cold coffee drink!
Iced espresso
- One small glass with ice.
- One single espresso.
This is one of the simplest drinks you can order; it is basically what its name suggests, a single espresso, freshly made, put directly over ice. There are two ways to make it:
- First, pour the espresso directly from the machine onto the ice.
- The second is to make the espresso in a normal cup and then take it, still hot, to the glass with ice.
You must be careful; for example, if you prepare the espresso separately and have already served the ice in the other glass, it can happen that while you are preparing the coffee, the ice starts to melt a little, and you have a more watery drink.
- One cocktail shaker filled with ice.
- One double espresso.
- Sugar.
The Shakerato is a traditional Italian cold coffee drink, which can also be seen as a slightly different way of preparing an iced espresso.
To make one, prepare a double espresso, and while still hot, place it in a cocktail shaker with ice, add sugar to taste, and shake until the ingredients are integrated; you will see how a very nice foam is formed. Finally, take it from the shaker to a glass, and you can enjoy your cold coffee with creamy foam on top.
Iced cappuccino
- One medium glass with ice.
- Frothed milk (7 ounces / at 86-104 degrees Fahrenheit).
- Simple espresso.
The cold cappuccino is a drink based on espresso and milk. It can be prepared in two ways:
- You can prepare the cappuccino, as you usually do. Then, pour it over a glass of ice and stir it lightly.
- Prepare the milk with the steam wand, creating a microfoam, but do not heat it to normal temperature so that the ice does not melt when you pour it over it. Then, place the ice in a glass, pour the milk over it, and add a single espresso.
Iced latte
- One large glass with ice.
- Frothed milk (10 ounces).
- One single espresso.
The preparation of the cold latte is the same as the iced cappuccino; the difference is that in the latte, there is more milk, almost double the milk that goes in the cappuccino. It can also be prepared in two ways:
- Prepare a hot latte, as you normally would, and then pour it into a glass filled with ice while stirring lightly.
- You pour the milk directly over a glass with ice and then a single espresso.
Coffee frappé
- Two large glasses with ice.
- One single espresso.
- Whole milk (3 ounces).
- Syrup (0.3 ounces).
Frappe is a popular cold coffee drink from Greece. There are two ways to make this recipe:
- Prepare a single espresso and pour it into a medium glass. Add sugar to taste and stir until it dissolves. Then add shaved ice and cold milk. Stir vigorously with a spoon or fork until the ice is completely dissolved and the mixture is homogeneous. Serve in a large glass with ice, and enjoy your fresh, creamy Frappé.
- You can also make it directly in a Frappé machine. Take the ingredients to the machine, espresso, milk, sugar or syrup, and ice, and let everything mix until the Frappé is ready.
I must say that the fun in this drink is the sweetness because it has a little sugar; it also has a lot of foam and is very refreshing, a delight.
Freddo cappuccino
- Two small glasses with ice.
- A double espresso.
- Whole milk (3 ounces).
The Freddo cappuccino is a Frappé version of the traditional Italian cappuccino. There are two ways to make it:
- Use double espresso, milk, and froth to prepare a cappuccino as you normally would. Then, pour the cappuccino into a large glass filled with shaved ice and stir lightly. You can add sweetener if you prefer. Enjoy your Freddo cappuccino with a layer of foam on top.
- Prepare a double espresso, pour it into a glass with ice, and then prepare the milk in the frappé machine, put this milk on top of the espresso, and it will be like two different layers.
Cold brew
- One large glass with ice.
- Ground coffee.
- Cold water.
Cold brew is a way of preparing coffee using cold water instead of hot water. To do so, place a proportion of ground coffee (usually one part coffee to three parts water) in a container with a lid and pour cold water over it.
Let it stand for about 12 hours or even overnight. Then, strain the coffee through a filter and serve it with ice. You can add milk, sweetener, or even spices according to your taste.
Nitro cold brew
- Three ice cubes.
- Cold brew coffee (10 ounces).
- One capsule of nitrogen.
Nitro cold brew is a version of cold brew with an added nitrogen bubble that gives the coffee more body and a smooth, creamy flavor. In addition, nitrogen is like a preservative, so it keeps the coffee fresh for almost a week.
To do this, prepare the cold brew described in the previous section. Then, pour the coffee into a bottle suitable for placing the nitrogen capsule, mix for 20 seconds and let it rest for several minutes. Serve in a glass with ice, and enjoy your coffee with a smooth foam on top, a beautiful waterfall effect, and a velvety, creamy texture.
- Vanilla ice cream (100 gr).
- One single espresso.
Affogato is a traditional Italian drink consisting of hot espresso served over a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
To make it, prepare a hot espresso, place a scoop of vanilla ice cream in a large glass and then pour it on top. Enjoy your Affogato hot and cold simultaneously, and eat it with a spoon, which is almost like a dessert.
Espresso tonic
- Three ice cubes.
- Tonic (2-3 ounces).
- One single espresso.
The Espresso tonic is a cold and refreshing drink that combines the taste of coffee with the citrus flavor of the tonic. It is a rather unusual combination of bitter and sweet but well-balanced and pleasant.
To make it, prepare a hot espresso and pour it into a large glass with tonic and ice; stir lightly, and that’s it. You can add a slice of lemon or lime to give it an extra citric touch. Enjoy your fresh and energizing espresso tonic.