As one of the pioneers in offering single-dose systems in its coffee machines, Keurig is a brand that enjoys great recognition, especially in the United States and, in general, throughout the American continent.
Over the years, it has maintained its popularity by always being at the forefront of its consumers’ desires, offering more efficient and robust models of coffee machines every year. Although Keurig coffee machines are characterized by being excellent machines, from time to time, they can present some problems that, fortunately, can be solved in most cases thanks to the complete user manuals that we offer you on this page.
If the user manual does not solve your problem, please visit this article: Troubleshooting Keurig coffee machines.
Download your Keurig user manual (PDF)
In this list, I have compiled all the manuals for Keurig Coffee Makers in PDF format for you. If any link does not work, or you cannot find the Keurig model you have, please leave me a comment, and I will solve the problem as soon as possible so you can download your Keurig user manual.
- Keurig Bolt Z600
- Keurig B30
- Keurig B31 Mini Plus
- Keurig K35
- Keurig B40
- Keurig B41
- Keurig B44
- Keurig B45 Elite
- Keurig B50
- Keurig B60 Special Edition & Signature
- B65 Special Edition & Signature
- Keurig B66 Ultimate
- Keurig B68 Special Edition & Signature
- Keurig B70 Platinum
- Keurig B77
- Keurig B79 Platinum Plus
- Keurig B130
- Keurig B140
- Keurig B145 OfficePRO
- Keurig B150
- Keurig B150P
- Keurig B155 OfficePRO Premier
- Keurig B200
- Keurig B500
- Keurig B3000
- Keurig B3000SE
- Keurig K10 Mini Plus
- Keurig K15
- Keurig K15 K-MINI
- Keurig K40 Elite
- Keurig K44 Classic
- Keurig K45 Elite
- Keurig K50
- Keurig K55
- Keurig K60 / K65
- Keurig K66 Ultimate
- Keurig K70 / k75 Platinum
- Keurig K77 Select Ultra
- Keurig K79 Platinum Plus
- Keurig K90 Elite
- Keurig K130
- Keurig K140
- Keurig K145 OfficePRO
- Keurig K150
- Keurig K150P
- Keurig K155 OfficePRO
- Keurig K200
- Keurig K300
- Keurig K400 /K425 /k460 /475
- Keurig K500
- Keurig K600 / K625
- Keurig K1500
- Keurig K2500
- Keurig K3000
- Keurig K3000SE
- Keurig K3500
- Keurig K-Café
- Keurig K-Café Special Edition
- Keurig K-Classic
- Keurig K-Compact
- Keurig K-Duo Essentials
- Keurig K-Duo Plus
- Keurig K-Elite Single
- Keurig K-Supreme Plus SMART
- Keurig K-Supreme
- Keurig K-Supreme Plus
- Keurig K-Slim
- Keurig K-Express Essentials
- Keurig K-Latte
- Keurig K-Mini
- Keurig K-Mini Plus
- Keurig K-Select
- Keurig Rivo R500
- Keurig Vue V500
- Keurig Vue V600
- Keurig Vue V700
- Keurig Vue V1200 / Vue V1255
- Keurig K2.0 K250
- Keurig K2.0 K450
- Keurig K2.0 K575
What are Keurig user manuals like?
The user manuals for Keurig coffee makers are complete despite not having color images. In these manuals, we can find everything from the first steps to take with our new Keurig coffee maker to maintenance and troubleshooting.
They are among the most extensive manuals in the sector, with some models having more than 30 pages of complete and easy-to-understand information. But the best thing is to see for yourself by downloading the instruction manual for your Keurig coffee machine (in pdf).
Related: Meaning of the Keurig coffee maker lights and their modes.